Kansas City Star April 13, 1943

Mrs. Laura Eubank

Relatives of Former Missionary
Live in This Area

Relatives here learned today of the death Sunday at Lewiston, Me., of Mrs. Laura Houchens Eubank, 84 years old, who with her husband, the Rev. Peyton Adams Eubank, was a missionary in Legos, West Africa, under the foreign mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention and later lived at Liberty, Mo. Mrs. Eubank had lived in Lewiston with a daughter, Miss Lilian Eubank since Mr. Eubank's death about fifteen years ago.

Mrs. Eubank was born in Sturgeon, Mo. November 17, 1858. She and her husband served many years in Africa, returning to pastorates at Sedalia, Mo., Eureka Springs, Ark, and Liberty. Mr. Eubank is buried at Liberty.

Besides the daughter, she leaves a son, Earle Eubank, head of the department of sociology at the University of Cincinnati, and three nices and nephews in the Greater Kansas City area; Dr. Ambrose E. Eubank, on mile south of U.S. highway No. 40 on Noland road; Dr. Dillard Eubank, Raytown, now a captain and flight surgeon with the air forces at Tuscon, Ariz; Carr N. Eubank, 210 West Seventh street terrace; Mrs Novus Reed, 2833 Tracy avenue; Mrs. James Shirk, Raytown; Mrs. Judd Heininger, Mrs. Manley Houchens, Mrs. Mary Davis Bush, and Ed Bush, former member of the state Legislature, all of Independence.

Funeral services were held Tuesday at Lewiston. Burial will be at Liberty.


Memories of a Missionary Tour of Duty in Africa: 1882 - 1892
by Laura Boardman Houchens Eubank

Peyton Adams Eubank Index