Trip to the United Kingdom
June 18, 2001 - St. Davids & Trefin, Wales

Pansies and Iris at Glan-y-Mor

Wild Foxglove St. Davids, Wales  


     Taken at Glan-y-Mor guest house
     St. Davids, Wales
     "misty, moisty morning"

Looking south from Fishguard. Elspeth and Len Cotton
live at the second protrusion of land.

At Brunell Park

A cromlech in a sheep pasture near Trefin.
Below a poem by Waldo Williams, Welsh Poet (died in 1971), reflecting on a cromlech.

Before the sun has left the sky, one minute,
One dear minute, before the journeying night,
To call to mind the things that are forgotten
Now in the dust of ages lost from sight.

Like foam of a wave on a lonely seacoast breaking.
Like the wind's song where there's no ear to mind,
I know they're calling, calling to us vainly-
Old unremembered things of humankind.

Exploit and skill of early generations,
From tiny cottages or mighty hall,
Fine tales that centuries ago were scattered,
The gods that nobody knows now at all.

Little words of old, fugitive languages
That were sprightly on the lips of men
And pretty to the ear in the prattle of children-
But no one's tongue will call on them again.

Oh, generations on the earth unnumbered,
Their divine dreams, fragile divinity-
Is only silence left to the hearts' affections
That once rejoiced and grieved as much as we?

Often when I'm alone and it's near nightfall,
I yearn to acknowledge you and know each one.
Is there no way fond memory can keep you,
Forgotten ancient things of the family of man?


Un funud fach cyn elo'r haul o'r wybren,
  Un funud fwyn cyn delo'r hwyr i'w hynt,
I gofio am y pethau anghofiedig
  Ar goll yn awr yn llwch yr amser gynt.

Fel ewyn ton a dyr ar draethell unig,
  Fel cân y gwynt lle nid oes glust a glyw,
Mi wn eu bod yn galw'n ofer arnom-
  Hen bethau anghofiedig dynol ryw .

Camp a chelfyddyd y cenhedloedd cynnar,
  Anheddau bychain a neuaddau mawr,
Y chwedlau cain a chwalwyd ers canrifoedd,
  Y duwiau na wyr neb amdanynt 'nawr .

A geiriau bach hen ieithoedd diflanedig,
  Hoyw yng ngenau dynion oeddynt hwy ,
A thlws i'r glust ym mharabl plant bychain,
  Ond tafod neb ni eilw amynt mwy .

O, genedlaethau dirifedi daear ,
  A'u breuddwyd dwyfol a'u dwyfoldeb brau,
A erys ond tawelwch i'r calonnau
  Fu gynt yn llawenychu a thristáu?

Mynych ym mrig yr hwyr, a mi yn unig,
  Daw hiraeth am eich 'nabod chwi bob un;
A oes a'ch deil o hyd mewn cof a chalon,
  Hen bethau anghofiedig teulu dyn?

A cromlech marks a burial area - from the stone ages.

Adelaide Eubank Currier and Grace Williams Griffith.

Church at Treteio, Wales | East Farm | Plants & Coast | Cathedral | Choir at Pontypridd

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