Peyton Adams Eubank
Missionary - Africa 1882 - 1892
Memories of a Missionary Tour of Duty in Africa:
1882 - 1892
by Laura Boardman Houchens Eubank
Wife of Rev. Peyton Adams Eubank
Missionaries To Nigeria 1882
Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board, Richmond, VA.
Snakes and Babies I remember two things that occurred while we were there. The first,
night. I had retired to my cot early, being tired, and soon went to sleep.
I was awakened by a commotion.
The other incident I spoke of was this same night, or maybe the next. Again we were awakened by another disturbance -- this time out in the yard. Going out to investigate we found the teachers wife with a new born baby on the ground. Her husband was standing by, but doing nothing. As I remember no one did anything except, what the woman did herself. I wrapped the baby up and took it in back, evidently no one was expected to do anything. Soon the woman came in and went to bed and it was all over. The next morning we left. Our next objective was Oyo. I think we were to reach there the next night. This was the capitol of the Yoruba country -- the place where the King lived. And where we afterward made our attempt at a visit. One of our Mission stations was located here but no remains of it existed except the plot of ground where we hoped later to build a Mission. The Weslyans did have a mission with two white men on duty. It was certainly a goal to wish for so we went on. We had another river to cross but I do not remember how we got over. Then it rained. Oh how it rained! The roads in places were rocky, but often just smooth, slick places which when the rain fell was so slick it became impossible for the men to hold their feet. They tried faithfully -- did not give up till they had to, But at last stopped and said they just could not go on. And we knew that they had done their best! But now it was dark, oh, so dark! The road so narrow we could, not see it except with a lantern. When the men gave up my husband walked and let me ride his horse, (I can't remember about that other horse ) Well, my poor little pony could not hold his feet either so he fell over in a ditch with me on him. All came to my rescue and helped me on him again. So following the lantern, we forced the way and later, at night in the dark and the rain, wet, tired and hungry we got there.
Page 23 Our Troubles Begin | Index of Peyton Adams Eubank | Page 25 We Arrive at Oyo