First Baptist Church of Lamar, Colorado

The history of any church is written in the lives of the people, new persons in Christ Jesus, who have contributed sacrificially to its ministry through the years.

The history of the First Baptist Church of Lamar, Colorado, began in 1900 with approximately forty members when the city was fourteen years old. Interest in a Baptist Church in Lamar began with the W. N. Brisky family who lived in Pleasant Hill, Missouri. Anticipating their move to Lamar, they held a meeting in their home in Missouri with the Rev. P. A. Eubank, Mrs. Brisky's brother. They then wrote to the Mission Board of Colorado relative to the organization of a church in Lamar, as they were soon to be citizens of this community.

In the meantime, while correspondence relative to organization was passing between the Briskeys and the Mission Board of the Colorado Baptist Convention the Rev. Robert D. Graham came to Lamar and gathered the Baptists together. They organized the church on January 10, 1900. Mr. Graham spent two months in the organizing work and by the end of February, 1900, there were forty charter members. The Rev. Mr. Eubank was called as the first pastor.

The first building was erected in 1902. The building was moved over a basement in 1908 and remodeled. In 1924 a new wing was added and with this addition five new rooms were provided.

In January, 1963, ground was broken for a new edifice on four and eighty-five hundredths acres of ground at 1600 South Main Street. This site was donated to the church by The First Baptist Members Association. In March, 1964, the building was completed for occupancy at a cost of $327,226.00 under the leadership of the Rev. George S. Thompson.

The present membership of the church is 518.

Peyton Adams Eubank Index