"Student Bilingual Publications - A Bridge to the Future"
William R. Eubank

Chinese for Teacher. Vietnamese for Teacher. Spanish for Teacher

April 1994 "Student Bilingual Publications - A Bridge to the Future"
, TEXTESOL V Spring Conference,
, Richland College, Dallas, Texas 75243.

Student Bilingual Publications - A Bridge To the Future

  • Secondary Bilingual/ESL teachers will learn to guide students through cooperative learning projects that result in bilingual publications designed, developed and produced by LEP/FES students.
  • Over the last two years at James Bowie High School, Arlington, Texas, ESL students have produced bilingual publications such as: specific dictionaries, flash cards, student newspaper articles, letters, public notices, and translations for the school administration.
  • This presentation will include teaching techniques that can be used in bilingual publication even if the teacher is not proficient in the students language. Included are ideas for publications and samples of student products.
  • Spin-offs from these initial projects involved interaction with classes in ESL, Honors English, Computer Business Applications, Spanish for Native Speakers, the Journalism Department, computer labs and the school library at James Bowie High School. Format includes lecture, question and answers, dictionary handouts and Macintosh applications.

E.S.L. Conference Presentations

William R. Eubank Jr.

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Argentina Report

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William R. Eubank
1632 Burcham Drive
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
United States of America
