This page was developed in preparation for the Textesol V Spring Conference, held at the University of Texas - Arlington on April 13, 1996.
Since it is about the Texas TESOL Region V area, I started with my page, looked at education pages in the Region V area, expanded to the State of Texas, then added some links from around the United States and finally some from other areas of the world. At this time, it is not intended to be exhaustive of the ESL field.
The proposal for the conference was:
A Virtual Visit to ESL Pages found on the World Wide Web
Elementary, secondary and higher education Bilingual/ESL teachers will "visit" selected current ESL Pages found on the World Wide Web.
These pages are reproductions of current personal and institutional pages now on display. It is quite possible to visit reproductions of these sites without actually being connected by modem to the Internet.
Educators will have an opportunity to view dozens of "home - pages" and resource sites. See how ESL educators the world over are using the World Wide Web to display projects and provide resources for colleagues.
This presentation will include a demonstration using an IBM computer that has multi page ESL sites contained on the hard disk. The participants will use the i-view browser to "surf" from site to site on this self contained section of the World Wide Web.
Format includes hands on demonstration, question and answers, and handouts - in the form of a disk that contains 109 htm files and 180 gif files.
The presentation was made on April 13, 1996 at the University of Texas, Arlington in Engineering I, Room 311 at 2:10 PM. About 40 ESL educators attended. If you were one of those that attended I would really like to hear from you through e-mail to William Eubank.
Added to the WWW 02-23-96
Updated 09-05-98
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William R. Eubank
1632 Burcham Drive
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
United States of America