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These days, 90% of my reading is directly off my computer screen - it is getting harder and harder for me to pick up a 'real' newspaper, magazine, or book. So I was surprised when the FedEx man delivered CUSTOMER SERVICE ON THE INTERNET to the office and the package had my name on it. Within a few moments of opening the package and the book up, I knew why I had ordered the review copy - this fellow thinks just like me!!
It is great to get some confirmation on one's thoughts, organized and layed out so nicely. Over the last year, I have put some 1,500 individual pages out on the internet - and those pages have generated some interesting responses for myself and for the site owners.
This is a book for web-masters, web-owners, and web-hosters - anyone that has a web site and that is expecting a response from the site. If you put the site out there, they will come, and they will use it for ways that you did not imagine. The web is open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days a year - you had better be ready to respond accordingly.
Jim Sterne has fifteen years of high-tech marketing experience, and draws on this vast experience to make CUSTOMER SERVICE ON THE INTERNET a complete reference for providing state-of-the-art service through the internet.
Jim has excellent sections and illustrations about:
Topics for consideration include: Staff Training, E-Mail Management, Problem Resolution, FAQs, Newsgroup Monitoring, Product Information, Request Feedback, On-Site Search, On-Site Discussions, E-Newsletters, Site Promotion, Traffic Tracking, Customer Tracking, Competitive Tracking, Customer Profile/Database, and Customer Integration.
Not every site needs all of the above - the trick is basing the development of your site on "What is Necessary" - and how it will benefit your customers.
I have already started providing this book to some of my customers for their self-education. Susan Parker of Group III Communications, Inc. found the book: "Very worthwhile - it confirmed some things I had been thinking about - gave the process some organization - and showed some of the things that are possible for our sites."
Group III Communications, Inc. has sites for several trade magazines including The Asphalt Contractor, Paving America and Soil & Groundwater Cleanup at
Customer Service on the Internet,
Building Relationships, Increasing Loyalty, and Staying Competitive by
Jim Sterne, c. 1996,
Wiley Computer Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
pp. 326, $24.95 (US)
Wiley books are available at your local bookstore or by calling
1-800-225-5945. In Canada, call 1-800-567-4797. A web site is located
at http://www.wiley.com/
Added to the WWW 12-28-96
Updated 12-28-96
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